Oct 4, 2010

My Real Birthday

Before I learned to ride, when I was still backseating with our club it never dawned on me that I could ride a motorcycle myself.  At the time, while I was a full member of the club, I had no boyfriend and so didn't have a solid back seat for any given ride.  I hated that.  I loved riding but had no control.  Then one day in February an accquaintance asked me why I didn't just learn to ride myself.

Tons of reasons bubbled up to the top of my  mind.  I love not having to think; I don't want to have to control it; I just want to enjoy....  He was a rider himself.  He just looked at me and said "If you like to ride on the backseat you will never regret taking the controls for yourself.  It's all that and more..."

I thought he was full of crap.  I knew I didn't want my own bike.  But like a tiny little seed, that spring the idea took root inside me.  By March I was starting to question my own objections and tackle the fear behind them.  I was a 40s something woman.  I was too old to learn a bike.  And then a conversation took place in my head.  I was the same woman who had her sanity questioned for going back for a bachelors in physics in my 40s.  I was the woman who went after what I wanted and (almost) always got it.  Why should this be different?

By April I was looking for a bike and planning out when to take my motorcycle safety class.  And in May I bought my bike one week before class started.  My first bike was a beautiful 1995 Honda Shadow 650.  She'd been well cared for and was all mine.

I found Beauty on Craigslist and took my best friend with me to test drive.  After she passed Bob's tests, I paid the man and we took her home.  I was thrilled seeing her there in my parking spot.  I couldn't wait until I'd taken my classes and could really ride her.

Those three months of time didn't just branch me away from my previous path.  That decision took me off roading into new and unknown territory.  The choice to ride has shaped everything about my life, my identity, my self worth and my view of the world.  It changed how I act, what I say and what I care about.  I am not the person I was over 4 years ago.

Now I celebrate 2 birthdays.  One is the date that I came physically into the world.  The second is the day I decided to ride my own motorcycle.  My family might celebrate that I am here in the world with them on the day I was born.  I personally celebrate that day that I took my life and my power into my own hands and became a biker bitch.

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